Some people develop darker lips over time due to a range of medical and lifestyle factors. Read on to learn about the causes of dark lips and some home remedies to lighten them.
Causes of Dark Lips
Darkening of the lips can be the result of hyperpigmentation. This is a typically harmless condition caused by an excess of melanin. Lip hyperpigmentation may be caused by:
- excessive exposure to the sun
- lack of hydration
- cigarette smoking
- allergic reactions to toothpaste, lipstick, etc.
- too much caffeine
- lip sucking
Most of these causes can be addressed by lifestyle changes, such as wearing sunscreen, limiting caffeine intake, or changing toothpaste brands.
The following can also lead to darker lips:
- chemotherapy
- anemia
- vitamin deficiency
- excessive fluoride use
Treating hyperpigmentation is often a cosmetic decision. Laser treatments and chemicals such as hydroquinone and kojic acid are often used to treat lip hyperpigmentation. Many hyperpigmentation treatments work by inhibiting an enzyme that produces melanin.
You might, however, find a natural lip lightener that suits your needs. Here are some to consider.
#1: Lemon
A 2002 study suggests citrus fruit peel may act as a melanin inhibitor. Every night just before going to sleep, cut a lemon and gently rub the juicy part over your lips. The next morning, rinse your lips with cool water. Repeat this routine every night until you see results. It may take 30 days.
Additionally, you can also try combining lemon with sugar. Before bedtime, cut a lemon wedge and dip it in sugar. Rub your lips with the sugared lemon. The next morning, rinse your lips with lukewarm water.
#2: Turmeric
According to a 2010 study, turmeric may act as a melanin inhibitor. In a small bowl, mix together:
- 1 tablespoon milk
- enough turmeric powder to make a paste
With a wet fingertip, rub the paste on your lips. Leave it in place for about five minutes before gently rinsing it off with cool water. After drying your lips, apply your favorite moisturizer.
#3: Aloe Vera
An older study suggests a compound in aloe vera inhibits melanin production. Once each day, apply a thin layer of fresh aloe vera gel onto your lips. Once it’s dried, rinse it off with warm water.
#4: Pomegranate
A 2005 study found that pomegranate extract may lighten skin hyperpigmentation. To make this remedy, mix the following into a paste:
- 1 tablespoon pomegranate seeds
- 1 teaspoon rose water
- 1 tablespoon fresh dairy cream
Gently massage the paste into your lips for about three minutes, then rinse your lips with cool water. Repeat daily.
#5: Strawberry
Make a paste by mixing together five crushed, medium-sized strawberries and 2 teaspoons of baking soda. Gently apply this paste to your lips at bedtime, then rinse off with cool water the next morning.
And that’s it! We wish you good luck with these wonderful home remedies.