Skin darkening is a normal process, and the same holds true for intimate areas. While this is natural and generally not a cause for concern, those of us who have experienced darkened intimate areas will at least want to know the causes behind it. And if one feels so inclined, the good news is that there are ways to reverse the process and lighten your skin, even if it’s your private parts.

Whether caused by age or other reasons, such as sweating or friction, the darkening of intimate areas can be prevented and even reversed. But, as with many things, knowledge is half the battle. These are the five most common causes for intimate skin darkening.

5 Causes of Intimate Area Darkening

  1. Friction – By far the most common cause of intimate area darkening. Whether it’s due to tight or chafing underwear that doesn’t fit properly, or your gym shorts that grates against your skin, exposing your skin to repeated aggravation will make it rougher and darker. But clothing isn’t the only possible source of friction – walking, gaining extra weight and even sexual activities can cause friction, and in turn, private area skin darkening.
  2. Sweating – Sweating, too, may cause your intimate areas to change color. If you sweat a lot, chances are you’ve probably noticed a darker color in your intimate areas. This is due to the waste products found in sweat which change the skin’s texture and color over time. If you find yourself sweating often, frequent cleaning to prevent sweat build-up can help.
  3. Aging – Believe it or not, aging can play a role in intimate area darkening as well. As with everything else, your skin changes as you age – not only in texture or elasticity, but also in tone. Needless to say, this can cause certain areas of the body to darken. Intimate lightening procedures can really help reverse this type of darkening.
  4. Lack of Fresh Air – Let’s be real for a moment. Most of the time your intimate areas are kept private, covered by fabrics that don’t let air pass through the area. Unlike other parts of the body which are often exposed to fresh air, the lack of ventilation our privates receive can cause the skin to change color.
  5. Frequent Shaving – If you shave your intimate areas a bit too often, you’re probably familiar with the shaving bumps and the ensuing skin darkening over time. The frequent irritation of the skin by the razor’s sharp edge, as well as the chemicals found in shaving creams and lotions can all contribute to darkened skin in your private areas.

So, What to Do About Dark Intimate Areas?

There are several things you can do to help lighten up darkened intimate areas. Depending on the specific cause, you may need to take specific steps. For example wearing looser, or properly fitting clothing and underwear, for one, can help facilitate better airflow. This will also reduce chafing, reducing moisture and allow the skin to breathe and renew itself more quickly. Another way to lighten darkened private regions, or reverse intimate skin darkening is through intimate lightening treatments and procedures.

What Is Intimate Lightening?

Intimate lightening involves treatments or procedures in which medical and natural compounds, such as fruit extracts, are applied “down-there” to lighten the skin on your intimate areas. Intimate lightening can be done on both women and men, and it can really make a noticeable difference after a few treatments. As always, better safe than sorry, so take care that you only use treatments that are completely safe and effective.